Dog-proof gardens direct your dog’s attention away from where it is not needed and towards dog-friendly areas. You should think about ways your dog easily interacts with the environment, such as by running along fences and borders or digging in loose soil. Here are some ways to garden with dog psychology in mind with the help of landscaping services in Bella Vista and other places:
Use natural barriers to guide behaviour
Flower beds and fences that are a step higher provide a protective but aesthetically pleasing barrier that prevents your dog from spending time in certain areas of the garden, such as flower beds. It’s also a good idea to create natural barriers to keep dogs away from boundary fences where they can run or slide down paths.
Use self-repairing turf to guide your dog’s behaviour
According to the professionals offering landscaping services near Marsden Park and other locations, you can use self-repairing turf, such as buffalo grass. Not all grass is created equal. This is especially true in terms of its ability to bounce back when dogs run, scratch, dig or pee on it. Buffalo grass spreads both above and below the ground, allowing it to regrow in damaged areas.
Create designated play and digging areas
Instead of trying to suppress the dog’s natural behaviour, try to direct it to a specific area. Designating areas where dogs can sniff, dig and roll freely is another way to limit damage. Try filling plastic kiddie pools with sand.
Use artificial grass
According to the experts offering landscaping services in Bella Vista and other regions, if you lay artificial grass in shady areas, your dog will spend the whole summer there and won’t touch the real plants. Artificial grass is a lower-maintenance landscaping alternative to turf.
Use fencing around garden flower beds
Placing a low decorative fence around flower beds can prevent dogs from digging holes. Natural ‘hedges’ planted with hardy, easy-care plants can also be effective.
If you want a beautifully landscaped outdoor space in your home that will be spectacular no matter how much your dog is around, let us help you as professional landscape designers. They will design your garden oasis using materials that are safe for your dog, no matter how vicious they are, keeping your garden enjoyable for you and safe for your pet!
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